The Abzolutely toolkit


Get involved

Are we proud of what's happening across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire? Of course. Do we want to shout about it? Naturally. Would we like you to share and be part of this story too? Abzolutely.

Telling this new and compelling story will help us attract the investment, skilled people, businesses, students and tourists we need to make this happen.

This toolkit is intended as a resource that can be used by anyone who wants to promote and celebrate the city region. If you’re passionate about the area and want some facts and examples to talk it up, these resources are for you.


What's included?

All of the resources and collateral have been collected in this online toolkit. Alongside the regional narrative, there’s a bank of new photography, advocacy tools including Abzolutely facts, a civic pride campaign, and partnerships with local media outlets. There are tools and resources for business and the public too.

The narrative itself covers the key economic, social and place-based assets, programmes and investments that will underpin the city region’s continued global impact and reinvention. It also highlights a great quality of life, education and research strengths, leisure and tourism assets and new dynamic business sectors.


To get access to all of the resources simply sign up here.

Find out more

Economic development
Opportunity North East

Inward investment
Invest Aberdeen

City Centre
Aberdeen City Centre Masterplan

Business and leisure tourism

Study in the Region
Robert Gordon University
University of Aberdeen